Frequently Asked Questions
- What can be done about the different color roof shingles being installed in Providence (ACC calls for like wood colors)?
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) reviews applications submitted for new roofs (and all other changes and additions) and approves or disapproves the application. Unfortunately some residents are not being pre-approved before a new roof is installed. If an Architectural Review Application was not submitted, as stated in the ACC Guidelines and the Deed Restrictions, the management company will mail the resident a violation letter. - Are there any volunteer projects for High School students or Eagle Scout projects that need to be done in the neighborhood?
There are always projects that need to be done in Providence. You may call or email the PCA Board if you are interested in volunteering your time to earn school volunteer hours or Eagle Scout points. - Are residents allowed to loan our tennis court keys and not accompany the guests to the courts?
No, guest must be accompanied by the homeowner to gain access to the tennis courts. Random checks are being made to make sure guests are accompanied with a resident at all times. - What can I do to help my community?
A dedicated volunteer to the community shared this story. She told the board that a friend asked, “You’re not on the board anymore, why are you doing all these things such as coordinating repairs for the tennis courts, checking out sprinklers, etc?” This person responded, “You don’t have to be on the Board to volunteer to help your neighborhood!”
Can you help in some way? A resident can help, and that help is greatly appreciated, in any way to make our community stronger. The more we work together, the more we can do to keep Providence a great place to live. - Who is responsible for the fences behind the houses on Woodleigh, backing up to the new businesses on Hwy. 6?
Fences on residents’ lots are the responsibility of the owners on both sides. The lots at Woodleigh and Stanbridge are owned by the Providence Community Association (PCA). In other areas where you see street-side fences being replaced, the strip of land behind the fence is owned by the Community Association of the neighborhood. If you want to replace your fence, talk to the business going up behind you about sharing the cost.
As for the large sound barrier walls, those are erected by the state and you will notice that they are placed where houses are right beside the street like at Hwy. 6 across from the old K-Mart. As Providence is set far back from Hwy. 6, we are not in a position to request these types of walls.
As with any exterior change and/or addition to our house and/or property, an Architectural Review Application must be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee by sending it to SBB Management, 12801 N Central Expressway, Dallas TX 75243, or by bringing it to a PCA Board meeting.
- I see lots of satellite dishes going up around the neighborhood. Are there any restrictions on these dishes or any other types of antenna?
Deed restrictions state that satellite dishes must be smaller than 36″ in diameter. Antennas for normal TV reception only are allowed provided they do not exceed 10 feet above the roof line and are placed in back of the roof centerline. An Architectural Review Application must be sent in and approved before a satellite dish, or any other type of antenna, is installed. All additions and/or changes to the exterior of your house and/or property must be approved by the ACC. Call SBB Management, 281-537-0957, for an Architectural Review Application.
- What can I do about my neighbor’s tree that is growing over our fence?
Discuss the problem with your neighbor (they may not realize the problem). Any part of the tree that is growing over the fence, into your property, may be trimmed by you. However, you may also be liable for any damage done to the tree.
- What can be done about loose dogs and/or cats?
Call the Fort Bend Animal Control at 281-342-1512. - Who is responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalk in front of my house?
The homeowner is responsible for the sidewalks on their property unless the municipal utility district (MUD) is making a repair. The MUD will replace any sidewalk section they need to remove when making repairs to underground pipes.